Monday, November 23, 2015

Fairytale Comparision

                      Tarzan and Tsotsi




 Tarzan was a story about a baby being left in the forests after Tarzan's parents were killed by a leopard. Tarzan was alone just for awhile until a gorilla named Kala took him in as her own, after losing her child. Tarzan grew up with the creatures around him as if they were his family by blood. He later meets another human name Jane. Jane shows him what it's like to be a human being and showing him the other side of himself that Kala couldn't teach him. 

 Tsotsi was a story about a guy name David, who we later find out is his real name, but goes by Tsotsi for most of the movie. He had ran away from home when he realized that he no longer left comfortable around his father. His mother was dying from a sickness and his father was abusive with no remorse. Tsotsi was on his own for the rest of his life. He began to get into deep trouble with his friends. They would steal and hurt anyone that did them wrong or came across. Tsotsi went to the rich side of his town and robbed a lady for her vehicle outside of her home and it resulted the woman being shot. Tsotsi drove away without realizing he had the woman's baby in the backseat. Tsotsi tries his best to take care of the baby, but does not do a good job. He ends up meeting this lady name Miriam. She was forced to help take care of the baby with Tsotsi. Tsotsi seems to feel safe with Miriam, while Miriam seems like she wants to fall for him, but is also concerned for her and her child's safety. 

I chose to compare these two stories because I think that Tarzan and Tsotsi are similar in some ways. Tarzan parents died when he was still a baby, so someone else raised him. Tsotsi left his home because his family emotionally and mentally died. Tarzan found Jane at the right time in his life for him to realize what he had been missing. Jane helped Tarzan to show him his potential in the world and in himself. Miriam was like Jane, to Tsotsi because she helped him realize that not everyone in the world wants to hurt him. Miriam was the calmness in Tsotsi's storm. 

 Miriam and Jane were a huge impact in Tsotsi and Tarzan's life. These two women had to be strong for the men in training.  In the end, Tsotsi did the right thing and returned the child to the woman and the child's father, but he knew he had to face the consequences that came with it. In the end of Tarzan,  he has to fight the same leopard that killed his family and tried to kill his new family. He demolished his fears and lived with with Jane and his family he grew up with.  


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Water (Cultural/Spiritual Perspective)

The widows believe that this is normal and expected once their husband dies. They are expected to accept that they are no use to the world or their culture/religion anymore. Even though they are forced into this lifestyle, they still believe in their God. They still believe in some higher power that forgives and loves them more than anyone else. I think that is what is keeping the women sane. They still have hope that their lives will get better. When Chuyia entered into the women's lives, she reminded them that they do not have to accept this lifestyle and neither does she. She brings hope to some of the women and igniting their power that they forgot they had.

Interesting use of music

Sound and Music in Tsotsi

In the beginning of this movie, David and his friends were at a club/bar and two of them were arguing with each other. While all of this is going on, there is loud fun music blasting in this commotion. When David got done beating up one of his friends, the music finally stopped and the focus was on them. I found it interesting that the music stopped when it did. The music was usually upbeat and some music were slower. The music fit in with different scenes very well.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Whale Rider

The Whale Rider is a great movie that I can relate to in some ways. Paikea was shunned from her grandfather, Koro since the day she was born. She wanted to fight for the love and respect from her grandfather. She even put her own life at risk to show him that she deserves his love. The rest of her family adored her, even her father that left her as a baby, wanted to reclaim his fatherhood title and asked Paikea to live with him and his new family. Paikea left for a day, but immediately turned around because she had a goal and didn't want to give up. I can relate because I wanted to gain love and respect from my father. Though, I didn't put my self in any danger, I worked hard in school and found a job and worked. As I got older I decided to put the focus on myself and that made me happy and that made others around me happy as well. I love this story and I am glad that I was introduced to this movie. I love how the story showed that even though the old ways are meant to stay and be cherished, that it's alright to have new ways be an addition to the old.    

Monday, October 5, 2015

Camera movement

This a panning camera movement. The camera is moving from left to right.

The Road Home (Symbolism)

The Road Home was a really good movie. It some parts of the movie, it reminds me of some American movies, but most of the movie had a fresh style to it. It wasn't your typical cheesy love story, it actually had many symbols of the movie to connect with the characters. It wasn't about material things, sex or money, it was truly about love.
Usually in an American movie, the two main characters that are fall are "in love" have sex before they feel a real deep connection. Which is ridiculous! Snapping back to reality, I loved that this movie captured what true love is and what it stands for.